Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Party Gowns For Rent Metro Manila

Golden Horses overnight, purple to save costs. Horses that escape the rags of mist, imagined the ripple of the spikes of barley, blue across the dreams of her lover. Galloping horses in the time it dissipates cruel stories, the echo of their helmets in the tunnel without consolation, horses Cloud leaves the open window of the clash. Horses cinnamon, red horses, horses amber numbs in the desert air these pat me mane, I darken the eyes in the absence, where you never love again.
flowing Horses, horses that walk, stop at a repair, turn, trot, stand on their rear arm tend to horizon. Stranded
gray, purple liquid silver in the last visions. Black horse head sink between the lily pond. Pinto horse jumping and brown smudge seized the explosion. Horses are still subject dear to me in the shade, fickle and rebels in the foliage that tolerates, soothes; gentle, loving horses hesitant, determinants, nobles, sleepy natural horses, guards outside men.
helpful white horses running through the flames of the fire, although their lips delirious outbreak. Horses who love hot and silhouette figures of his shadow on the grass of the clearing.
Horses, horses, heaviness, tired horses of his patients, calm horses lie down and sleep, dream the last battle in the pages of some books.


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