Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Born Baby Phlegm Removal

The Golem

After short pause and several suggestive e-mails I received, I return to my memories that I will be interspersed with other texts. Ulimo continue from articles in this category "Hippie Communist."
In fact, my long stay of almost 10 years in the Integral Spartacism materialized to make on my behalf and with others, a detailed study of various economic theories from Adam Smith to Schumpeter, of course coordinated by the 3-volume of Marx's Capital, the classic of classics, as it was the discovery of surplus value (economic value "plus" after the capital investment applied to performance employment of workers). On the other hand, was the study of political theory, which dominated Vladimir Ilich Lenin, adding the study of philosophy, reorganized by the so-called dialectical materialism from Hegel, but transformed and adapted by Marx and Engels, in addition to gide of Lenin and even Stalin feared the practitioner and who, I believe, a book published only emulating Lenin. I remember before getting to study Capital, we had to study Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy of Marx himself, when I started reading it I moved slowly until there was a time when the formulas posed he did not understand, although reread and reread. One night when the book sent to hell, I went to sleep and dream in a long parade where various interests and raised in the contribution formula I presented in a logical order so that, upon awakening at the end was very clear what in a day was not done to understand.
The previous event surprised me, because in the midst of a theory as "materialistic" mechanisms involved had perhaps magical, which was a serious contradiction. In the book's foreword The White Dominican, author Gustav Meyrink, who also wrote the famous Golem says that before starting to write the novel of the Dominican had already conceived the text itself: the city, the characters, plot, and so on. But he says that when he started writing the book pages later realized that I was writing another novel and this was as dictated by the protagonist and Meyrink says: "Well, I had no choice but to yield to the influence of those who answered to the name of Christoph Taubenschlag, cede my hand, so to speak, to write this story, that suppressing occurrence that was mine. "
I suppose that in that dream I had my own Christoph, who has not spoken a few times both among my literary writing in a dream. Obviously this is something that goes into severe conflict with dialectical materialism and the theories of Feuerbach. Another issue that happened to me was when I read the boring tomoto Materialism and Lenin called empirio , which is dedicated to making pinole Plekhanov, placing it in what Lenin called "the pond", ie those who were not or one side or the other. In this book quotes Lenin long ago what he called idealists like D'Alembert, Berkeley and others to demonstrate the theoretical ambiguities of Plekhanov and its people. Unfortunately for the author of this tome, I was attracted by these authors, to which I immediately started reading.
the end, Plekhanov was expelled from the Social Democratic Party (after CPSU) by Lenin and his henchmen, the self-Bolsheviks, despite the fact that Plekhanov had been a teacher and political guidance of Lenin and, later, Plekhanov was exiled and wrote under the pseudonym Volgin, at least not killed. After his death, Plekhanov wrote in his will for Lenin, the following: "It is my creature, but his revolution will be a disgrace to the entire labor movement" and he was right.


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