Infidel with fat and pure *
Intriguing, man squad had prepared 38 under the table. Cut the cartridge, put out his hand to put two shots to the infidel. At that moment, the waiter placed the coffee cup to the man in whose hand poured boiling liquid, making up the gun, which fired two shots. One hit the chest of the captain of waiters, who splashed with purple face and lapels faithless lover gray, the second shot went through the neck of an American woman too fat, so obese that he was sitting on two chairs before he sank his face into a pile of plump waffles with jam and a half stick of butter that was spread to the sides of the waffle, as well as happened to the blood. With a burning of a thousand devils, the man turned to put his hand under the table, dropping his gun but collecting it immediately and looking everywhere. Maybe in the next attempt will not take coffee and there was captain of waiters. The truth, he thought, the fat you did not care. The continued unfaithful cheating but now stained red in the cheeks and ear. Who accompanied lit a cigar on a whim. Music the restaurant La Bombilla is too decadent, my love, said the infidel, while a perfect ring of smoke that rose lover had thrown into the limelight. The man returned to cut cartridge under the table, the waiter came with a boiling chicken broth.
* Hidden War, LECTORUM, Mexico, 2008
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