We stayed in that "common" were the workers, certainly in the pamphlet "The Communist Manifesto" is privileged to machine operators, because other common but large minority, were the owners machines and factories and, like the farmers, but farmers are the most common near the operare, besides the eternal middle class has been devoted to administrative tasks in the service, in practice, the manufacturers and governments, living with them in collusion.
At the time of Engels and Marx wrote the Manifesto, the rising classes are the manufacturers, or bourgeois, and the workers, mainly in England, whose libraries Karl Marx studied the history of economics and realized that classes would be protagonists from the time the manufacturers and their workers, even assuming that the driver would arrive late or later, the field, affecting farmers affected by itself and increasingly delicate circumstances to the owners of the land, or feudal lords.
Therefore, Marx realized that the majority of "ordinary" workers or peasants would be operators, which together would be the most common of the commons, so do not hesitate to call the text written by Engels to Marx's ideas, "Communist Manifesto", ie the most common joint.
In London in the nineteenth century, Marx witnessed the brutal exploitation of the more common areas (including children and adolescents who worked more than 15 hours.) His idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a communist party was, first, reducing the working day (or absolute surplus value, exploitation of the worker to be exhausted, giving the owner a profit higher than humanly "reasonable"), a day, strictly "human" dimension (not of animals) in order to generate only relative surplus (investment in my factory workers + = "x" gain), without the community or communities suffer exploitation.
This method continues to operate in the world and it is "common" that the working day is reduced to 8 hours and in some parts of Europe advanced, less hours. Although it has made great progress after a century and a half. With what Marx had not, a great reader of literary classics of the century as Balzac, Flaubert and others and fan in general of the Fine Arts to your days old, was that Lenin and Stalin were to forget, in this tradition of all mankind and tyrants were to become "the common assumptions."
The great mistake of Lenin and, after Fidel Castro, cronies, and other Communist leaders of the Soviet bloc and many communist parties, was that they kept the original idea of \u200b\u200bMarx, to a common match, because for Lenin, who joined the Communist Party, was "classless" and became "intellectual game" or "hands of the party", thereby leaving to be "common."
Lenin dislocated This idea led him even to fight the peasants (some common, as farmers also introduced machines in the field), generating one of the most famous die-offs in history. Do not forget that Leon Trotsky was the head of the Bolshevik army. At the same time also thought Lenin, like Stalin and Castro, which could have a culture "exclusive" of the commons, such pamphlets Zola, Gorky or Ostrovsky (the latter MultiEdit author of the novel "So the Steel Was Tempered"); by these distortions of the original ideas of Marx and Engels, men of universal culture, so communism and communists have flatly failed worldwide and is not reversed.
What has been distilled in recent times is the creation of NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations), which are dedicated to serving plots problematic both farm workers and the cities or problems of women and men, including multiple items, often using funding from states or governments themselves, especially the Europeans and, on occasion, U.S. bags are designed for these purposes. One problem that has tended most NGOs is that their leaders and administrators in such sites protracted when in fact, the NGO Cultural UP should be apparent from a new democracy. This defect was the complete failure that led to the Alianza Civica (Zedillo era before), led by the likes of scoundrels like Marta Sanchez and Rogelio Gomez Hermosillo. Hopefully the wrong course of NGOs erratic to straighten.
At the time of Engels and Marx wrote the Manifesto, the rising classes are the manufacturers, or bourgeois, and the workers, mainly in England, whose libraries Karl Marx studied the history of economics and realized that classes would be protagonists from the time the manufacturers and their workers, even assuming that the driver would arrive late or later, the field, affecting farmers affected by itself and increasingly delicate circumstances to the owners of the land, or feudal lords.
Therefore, Marx realized that the majority of "ordinary" workers or peasants would be operators, which together would be the most common of the commons, so do not hesitate to call the text written by Engels to Marx's ideas, "Communist Manifesto", ie the most common joint.
In London in the nineteenth century, Marx witnessed the brutal exploitation of the more common areas (including children and adolescents who worked more than 15 hours.) His idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a communist party was, first, reducing the working day (or absolute surplus value, exploitation of the worker to be exhausted, giving the owner a profit higher than humanly "reasonable"), a day, strictly "human" dimension (not of animals) in order to generate only relative surplus (investment in my factory workers + = "x" gain), without the community or communities suffer exploitation.
This method continues to operate in the world and it is "common" that the working day is reduced to 8 hours and in some parts of Europe advanced, less hours. Although it has made great progress after a century and a half. With what Marx had not, a great reader of literary classics of the century as Balzac, Flaubert and others and fan in general of the Fine Arts to your days old, was that Lenin and Stalin were to forget, in this tradition of all mankind and tyrants were to become "the common assumptions."
The great mistake of Lenin and, after Fidel Castro, cronies, and other Communist leaders of the Soviet bloc and many communist parties, was that they kept the original idea of \u200b\u200bMarx, to a common match, because for Lenin, who joined the Communist Party, was "classless" and became "intellectual game" or "hands of the party", thereby leaving to be "common."
Lenin dislocated This idea led him even to fight the peasants (some common, as farmers also introduced machines in the field), generating one of the most famous die-offs in history. Do not forget that Leon Trotsky was the head of the Bolshevik army. At the same time also thought Lenin, like Stalin and Castro, which could have a culture "exclusive" of the commons, such pamphlets Zola, Gorky or Ostrovsky (the latter MultiEdit author of the novel "So the Steel Was Tempered"); by these distortions of the original ideas of Marx and Engels, men of universal culture, so communism and communists have flatly failed worldwide and is not reversed.
What has been distilled in recent times is the creation of NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations), which are dedicated to serving plots problematic both farm workers and the cities or problems of women and men, including multiple items, often using funding from states or governments themselves, especially the Europeans and, on occasion, U.S. bags are designed for these purposes. One problem that has tended most NGOs is that their leaders and administrators in such sites protracted when in fact, the NGO Cultural UP should be apparent from a new democracy. This defect was the complete failure that led to the Alianza Civica (Zedillo era before), led by the likes of scoundrels like Marta Sanchez and Rogelio Gomez Hermosillo. Hopefully the wrong course of NGOs erratic to straighten.
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