Sunday, December 16, 2007

Do You Feel Wet Before A Period

host the First Latin American Forum Systems Technology and Communications

Carcaces 30 Jan - 1 February 2008

The 2008 start to a good start to the environment of Media Technology and Information in Venezuela with the first great Latin American Forum Systems and Communications Technology , an event to be held in Caracas and 28 countries meet to exchange ideas and information.

The event invites the public and private sectors of Banking and Finance, Telecommunications, Government, Industry and Trade, Oil & Gas to participate for three days of intense activity, share knowledge, opinion and ideas Free Software, Application Development, IT Models for Business Processes, Networks, Connectivity and Electronic Government.

From 30 January to 1 February, are scheduled courses, conferences, forums and workshops as the main activities on offer in the STC Forum Latin America. The lectures will be conducted by speakers of international renown, who will talk about current trends in the global technology industry and its subjects pendeintes.

Attendees will also have an exhibition area of \u200b\u200b1,500 square meters that will foster international trade. This exhibition area will provide a space called "The Future's Visit" where students can establish links and interact with a range of international companies and organizations attended the three days of the event.

organizations to care of them I look STC Latin American Forum gathering the greatest amount of information and participation at the highest level of exchange of ideas, trends and events, as well as the assistants can be trained and relay information to their environment towards professional development of the ICT industry in Venezuela.

The New Cohort VII Information Technology invites participants information to monitor progress of the event, our purpose: to attend the event schedule and make prensencia act through organizations that sponsor Research Center of Communication and Infomacón (CICI) , Social ICT Observator Venezuela and Communication Researchers in Venezuela


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Brazilian Wax Awkward Moment

Message to Garcia

Message to Garcia

One of the joys in life is to reach achievements. In many of the key achievements is learning, continuing the previous comment, so many mistakes and a final test that Eureka moment arrives ...

metaphorical tales and stories are the tools used by teachers and parents to instill values \u200b\u200bin children and youth. One of my dad's favorite stories was that of the Message to Garcia and the Soldier Rowan, who without asking where or how or where he went to fulfill its mission. Since I told that story never missed the time when I wanted to pay and guess what? I could not. I always reply: "Solve your problem with that message to Garcia, and then tell me how you did."

If you do not know the history of Rowan and the Message to Garcia invite you to illustrate a bit and we return some of that Rowan in all of us, this week, our message to Garcia was the blog and feel it was mission accomplished.

If some have not ended, continue with trial, trial and error until we succeed.


Saturday, May 26, 2007

Diagram Of Veyron Engine

software for all! ... Welcome

What that is? Free Software

May 26, 2007

A short film made by Ávila TV (channel 47 in the Caracas metropolitan area) in the Seminar II Science and Technology Social Transformation conducted by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in 2006, where some representatives of the institution, employees, the Free Software community share his vision of free software and more. Including Richard Stallman himself . Community appeared, Luigino Bracci, Jesus Molina, Octavio Rossell, José Parrella, Nerissa Aguilera and Monica Tahan.

Tuesday, May 28, 2007